
Posts Tagged ‘Viruses’

Dear Apple – your computers can also be affected by Malware

November 18 3 comments

Dear Apple,

Your computers are vulnerable to malware, and I wish to draw your attention to the practices employed at a number of retail outlets I have visited recently. Read more…

Facebook Viruses, SPAM, and Phishing

According to a recent CNet article:

in 2009, 90% of email traffic is SPAM.

With Spammers and marketeers devising clever ways to target Facebook users and their friends, this will increase significantly. When you consider that in 2009 Facebook had around 150 million users, at the time of writing this has increased 450% to over 650 million – in around 2 years!

If you are like me, you get updates in your mail from friends who post. Sometimes these posts are automated, and the results of sneaky spammers. Read more…