
Posts Tagged ‘Computer Security’

SCAM Alert: PC Support World Windows Event viewer

March 20 7 comments

Scam alertHi everyone, this was just too important to ignore.

Last night we were targeted by a scammer… yup – dumb huh… WRONG people!

What was the scam? Read more…

Privacy 1: Why do companies want to know so much about me?

December 19 3 comments

Why do they do it?

Companies and organisations exist to do something. It is generally to sell goods (or services) for money, hopefully a profit. Marketing is a term used to identify and promote these products in such a way that will entice people to buy them. Companies regularly profile existing users of their products to see who buys them, and why. With the simple goal to then target other people who are similar in the hope that they might like to buy the products as well.

This is termed targeted marketing.

Targeted marketing is based on a profile that these companies have identified as people who like the product now – in the hope that others of the same mind will also buy the product. This article illustrates that this si not a new thing and how this has migrated into an online world. Read more…